23 Jan 2015

Sturmgesshutz-Abteilung 200 (Part 2)

Blimey I can't believe it was back in February 2010 when I posted the first blog on this little unit. A snail could paint quicker than I do...

Another two companies of Hotchkiss 75mm AT and Hotchkiss 105mm completed. My only disappointment is they are not the same as the previous four. There was a considerable time lapse between purchasing the first four and then the four below during which time Battlefront changed the moulds...

2 x Hotchkiss 75mm AT and 2 x Hotchkiss 105mm,
I know they are only gaming pieces but side by side they do look different. The previous models have a narrower superstructure than the new models. My painting style has also changed slightly over the years so, for the moment, the jury is out whether I'll keep the older models. I suppose it will depend on whether, in the near future, I seriously think I'll need all eight to be on the gaming table at the same time.

I've also been working on the command for Sturmgesshutz-Abteilung 200 (Major Becker)

4.7cm PAK(t) auf PzKanpfwagan 35R)f) ohne Turm & LeSPW u304(f)

Not sure if Becker use a u304(f) as a command vehicle but has I'd a spare already undercoated I though I'd put it to good use. For the moment I think the above two vehicles will have to suffice.

Even though I still have a number of models either undercoated or part painted, I think that will be it for the moment. I've started to sort through all by lead again with a view to reduce the lead mountain. More about this later...

14 Jan 2015


At last... I think I have finished this little beauty. It will be interesting to see how it performs during a game...

I don't know why some of these models have been tucked away for so long, but it is a good feeling finally finding a little time to get them based and ready for the gaming table. I'm not holding my breath but, at this rate, I might get my planned 21st Panzer Division finished in the next couple of years...

10 Jan 2015

88mm Flak 36

This is another little unit that was started early in 2014 and put on one side as I was not happy with the way it was turning out... Still not completely happy but after all it's a unit for gaming with, not for the display cabinet.

I've based the figures with the ammunition boxes on a separated base that can be placed either side or behind the gun depending on space available on the table.

What's next to be completed? Not sure, I'll have to see what takes my fancy...

4 Jan 2015

Luftwaffe Felddivision - First battalion finshed

Happy New Year to any readers.

Well...thought it was about time I created a post about a little project I'd started during 2014.

During the Christmas holiday period I thought it best if I complete some of the projects I have tucked away in boxes before releasing more lead from its wrappers. These Luftwaffe figures had been painted to the point of being ready for basing back in September. There is a rumour of a WW2 game coming up where I might be able to field these new troops so they became my first project to complete. My intention is to build a small force to represent the elements of the 16th Luftwaffe Felddivision to field along side units of my 21st Panzer Division.

1st Battalion HQ

1st Company
2nd Company
3rd Company

4th (Heavy) Company

All figures for the 2nd Battalion and Regiment HQ are undercoated but I understand the above battalion is enough for the up and coming game. Next to be finished off is an 88mm Flak 36, and I'm looking forward to getting that little baby on the table...
I have been wargaming for 10 years in which time I have finally settled on two eras, Napoleonic and WWII, both in 15mm (1:100). Most of my ramblings will be about gaming in these two eras. An attempt will be made to record my wargaming interests, building of armies, ideas, interests and hopefully some games played.