7 Jun 2020

A long overdue update on my wargaming projects

Wow, I didn't realise it has been four years since I posted on this blog.

Much has happened in the last few years, the main one is that I've taken early retirement, more to do with health than anything else. Nothing life-threatening might I add. Retirement should have freed up a lot of time for modelling projects but, possibly due to my gradually taking more of a relaxed attitude and enjoying life, wargaming modelling time has still been at a premium.

So what have I been up to? Apart from Model Railway projects, starting to play golf again along with rekindling an interest in playing bass guitar and bass ukelele, the main wargaming project I've completed since retirement is a Napoleonic Saxony Corps. Other wargaming projects I've been working on are:
  • Painting a Napoleonic Franch Corps of two Infantry Divisions & supporting Cavalry Division.
  • Painting a Napoleonic French Reserve Cavalry Corps of three Divisions
  • Painting a Napoleonic French Guard Corps of two Infantry and one Cavalry Division
  • Painting a small Polish Napoleonic Division
  • Continuing to gradually paint my collection of WWII German figures and vehicles
I still have good stocks Napoleonic figures along with WWII figures and vehicles plus a few DBA Armies to paint, so I've no excuse to sit idle.

Anyway a few photos of my Napoleonic Saxony Corps below.

I'll try and post updates a little more regularly in the furture.
I have been wargaming for 10 years in which time I have finally settled on two eras, Napoleonic and WWII, both in 15mm (1:100). Most of my ramblings will be about gaming in these two eras. An attempt will be made to record my wargaming interests, building of armies, ideas, interests and hopefully some games played.