7 May 2009

Another batch of lead gone

68 unpainted Minifigs figures plus 20 painted and 12 painted Battle Honors equals Lead Mountain decreased by 89. Also sold on some walls that have been collecting dust. Not included these in the Vow as technically they are not lead.

This is starting to get addictive as the feeling of lightening the load is refreshing. Looking at the "Honorable Lead Hoarder Vow" I do need to paint more figures. I'm halfway though painting two German Artillery batteries must get back to these. But I've also been handed some horses to paint so these must come first just a shame they will not count towards the Vow.

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I have been wargaming for 10 years in which time I have finally settled on two eras, Napoleonic and WWII, both in 15mm (1:100). Most of my ramblings will be about gaming in these two eras. An attempt will be made to record my wargaming interests, building of armies, ideas, interests and hopefully some games played.