30 Jan 2010

Early Imperial Roman DBA army

As stated previously, I am in the process of renewing my efforts in sorting through my mountain of lead and trying to lighten the load of painted as well as unpainted figures. I think all my DBA armies will have to go as I've not gamed with these for at least two years. First on the list is my Early Imperial Roman army.

All nicely boxed as well

I cannot claim to have painted these figures but this will still be a reluctant sale as I do like this group of figures. An interest in the Roman period of history probably stems from school history lessons I can still remember the projects we did on Roman forts and villas. The 1964 film 'The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire' might also have been an influence on me during my childhood. I've a couple of other small collections of Roman figures and these will also be sold........ Sad times......

28 Jan 2010

Samurai (15mm)

Below are some figures I picked up from a 'Bring and Buy' at one of the Derby shows. I took a real fancy to them as I've always had a fleeting interest in this period. I think it's something to do with all those flags, the decorative costumes and armour. Trouble is I don't know much about Samurai period, the armies or the feudal system. The project to build a small army for DBA or larger never got off the ground. Building armies of the World War Two period seemed to take precedence and my research into the Samurai period took a back seat. I can't see me getting any further with this project in the next few years so, very very reluctantly, I'll have to let these figures go.

I think they are Two Dragon Productions figures and beautifully painted.....wish I could claim it was my brush work........

19 Jan 2010

Austrian Landwehr

A couple of photos of some 15mm Napoleonic Austrian Landwehr battalions that were finished last year.

Prague Landwehr

I do like this battalion it's something different to most of the other Landwehr units and also goes to show that not all Austrian infantry was in white.

1st - 2nd - 3rd Vienna Woods Landwehr

Another campaign year

Wow.....was it really May 2009 whenI last posted something on this blog? Another year already and what has happened since my last posting? A lot to keep me busy but not much on the wargaming front.

There was another WWII game with four players some time last June but due to trying to take part in the game and be an impartial umpire it didn't get recorded. One of the new guys that joined us that evening has a vast collection of figures and he has put on a few games but due to work and social commitments I have only been able to make it to a couple of games.

On the painting front I finished the WWII German Infantry Division Anti Tank Company and started painting two Artillery batteries for the Infantry Division. On the Napoleonic front the Austrian army is coming on well with a few battalions ready to base and then only a couple of cavalry regiments, a couple of horse, a couple of brigade batteries along with a few command figures to paint, then it's finished. Pictures will follow under suitable headings.

But overall it's been a very poor year on the wargaming front........ As such I am proposing again to multiply my efforts to cut back considerably on the amount of lead I own and I'm also going to focus my efforts on painted lead. Easier said than done but what is the point in having numerous armies if they haven't seen light of days for years........Up until now each time I opened the drawers I couldn't bring myself to part with any...... I seem to have a different mind set this year so let's see how I get on...................'Small is beautiful' has to be my motto for this year.
I have been wargaming for 10 years in which time I have finally settled on two eras, Napoleonic and WWII, both in 15mm (1:100). Most of my ramblings will be about gaming in these two eras. An attempt will be made to record my wargaming interests, building of armies, ideas, interests and hopefully some games played.