16 Nov 2010

Hovels - Row of three houses (4B5)

After the recent game, I was fired up to do something with my vast amounts of unpainted wargaming stock. One item that caught my attention was a building that had be languishing in my WWII buildings box. It had been under coated many moons ago but I'd not had the inclination to take in any further. After a few evenings dabbling around with brush and paint it's finally finished. It's not brilliant but it will do......

This little task has, at last, renewed my enthusiasm for painting.................where it will lead we will have to see..........

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I have been wargaming for 10 years in which time I have finally settled on two eras, Napoleonic and WWII, both in 15mm (1:100). Most of my ramblings will be about gaming in these two eras. An attempt will be made to record my wargaming interests, building of armies, ideas, interests and hopefully some games played.