11 Apr 2009


My gaming opponent and myself have been dissatisfied with the walls we were using. So my opponent decided to have a go at make some of his own. He purchased some wax and started carving some test walls. Once be was satisfied with the masters and a few trials at mould making later and he was turning them out by the dozen. We have both painted a few sections and these can be seen here.

For our next game we may need a few more wall sections so, as a break from figure painting, thought I'd paint a few this week.

Nude walls

Broken Walls - painted

Just need to finish the rest....

1 comment:

Steve-the-Wargamer said...

Very nice job! I made most of mine years ago with plaster of paris, I used the old Bellona walls set as the mould... :o))

I have been wargaming for 10 years in which time I have finally settled on two eras, Napoleonic and WWII, both in 15mm (1:100). Most of my ramblings will be about gaming in these two eras. An attempt will be made to record my wargaming interests, building of armies, ideas, interests and hopefully some games played.