26 Mar 2013

Why I Started a Small School

Not me but my wife...

This book has been a big distraction and has taken up a lot of my wife's time over the last year. It is about her struggle with the schooling system 20 years ago and the circumstances that led her down the path to start a small school. The book is being published tomorrow (27th March) as an ebook. For one day only on the publication date it is being offered at the give-away price of £1.99, thereafter it will be £5.99. If it sells well a printed version will be available later this year.
More information can be found on the following links.





Her next book will be 'The Small School Years'. Hopefully there will be more days of distraction when I can concentrate on my hobbies....

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I have been wargaming for 10 years in which time I have finally settled on two eras, Napoleonic and WWII, both in 15mm (1:100). Most of my ramblings will be about gaming in these two eras. An attempt will be made to record my wargaming interests, building of armies, ideas, interests and hopefully some games played.